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Gallis (French) rose extract

Item No. Z 241

(Lat. Rosa gallica) It contains the essential oil (citronellol (18-20%)), benzeneethanol (63%), geraniol and nerol (10-15%), stearopten (8%), farnesol (0.2-2%), etc. It improves the blood circulation, restores the structure of tissues and effectively clears the skin. It makes it look young and fresh. It contains vitamins C, A, vitamins of group B, fatty acids and mineral compounds – a vast quantity of useful substances which nourish the skin and help it to struggle against aging.
(Lat. Rosa gallica) It contains the essential oil (citronellol (18-20%)), benzeneethanol (63%), geraniol and nerol (10-15%), stearopten (8%), farnesol (0.2-2%), etc. It improves the blood circulation, restores the structure of tissues and effectively clears the skin. It makes it look young and fresh. It contains vitamins C, A, vitamins of group B, fatty acids and mineral compounds – a vast quantity of useful substances which nourish the skin and help it to struggle against aging.
Usage description
Beneficial for blood circulation, clears and rejuvenates the skin.