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Orange extract

Item No. Z 448

Orange extract with a high content of bioactive vitamin stimulates collagen synthesis and neutralizes free radicals. For the line “Healthy Nutrition”. Orange, not only has an excellent taste, high vitamin value, it is accessible everywhere in the world for a low price. It provides year round vitamins, prolongs life and improves your mood! For BAA line. Orange extract improves immunity. It is a good antiseptic, which can be used in cases of colds, flu and infections of the upper respiratory tract.
Orange extract with a high content of bioactive vitamin stimulates collagen synthesis and neutralizes free radicals. For the line “Healthy Nutrition”. Orange, not only has an excellent taste, high vitamin value, it is accessible everywhere in the world for a low price. It provides year round vitamins, prolongs life and improves your mood! For BAA line. Orange extract improves immunity. It is a good antiseptic, which can be used in cases of colds, flu and infections of the upper respiratory tract.
Usage description
Stimulates collagen synthesis and neutralizes free radicals. For the line “Healthy Nutrition”. Intake of orange extract improves the immune system, appetite and mood, eliminates excess water from the body, normalizes metabolism, aids to quickly recover from disease. Substances contained in the orange combat obesity, improve the digestive system. For BAA line. It is an antiseptic agent.