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Item No. Z 303

Pumpkin (cucurbita pepo) is an annual herbaceous plant, a kind of genus is cucurbita (cucurbita) of cucurbitaceae family; this cucurbits crop is the most ancient vegetable discovered by people since olden times. The citizens of Mexico have already cultivated pumpkin 5 thousand years ago. Pumpkin is low-caloric, but it possesses dietary and healing properties. Being a valuable food product, pumpkin seeds are included as a medicinal vegetable raw material to the national pharmacopeia.
Pumpkin (cucurbita pepo) is an annual herbaceous plant, a kind of genus is cucurbita (cucurbita) of cucurbitaceae family; this cucurbits crop is the most ancient vegetable discovered by people since olden times. The citizens of Mexico have already cultivated pumpkin 5 thousand years ago. Pumpkin is low-caloric, but it possesses dietary and healing properties. Being a valuable food product, pumpkin seeds are included as a medicinal vegetable raw material to the national pharmacopeia.
Usage description
It is useful for people suffering from hypertension, diseases of renal and hepatic systems, gall bladder, stomach and intestine. Pumpkin is easy to digest. Pumpkin seeds have anti-inflammatory properties and are used in the presence of difficult urination for early stages of prostate inflammation. The seeds are also known as a vermicide.